How to Cook Tasty carmel apple chops

May 18, 2021 arghy yansyah 0 Comments

carmel apple chops.

carmel apple chops carmel apple chops most diverse and own mind taste that unique. Several types of carmel apple chops recipes are also adequate easy to process and do not take lengthy. Even though not everyone likes carmel apple chops food, currently several people are getting attached and like the various carmel apple chops foods on hand. This could be visible than the number of restaurants that prepare carmel apple chops as one of the serving. You can cook carmel apple chops using 8 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of carmel apple chops

  1. You need 4 of boneless pork chops.
  2. Prepare 1 of vegetable oil.
  3. Prepare 1/4 cup of brown sugar.
  4. You need 1/4 tsp of ground cinnamon.
  5. You need 1/4 tsp of grated nutmeg.
  6. It's 1 of salt and pepper.
  7. Prepare 1 of gala apple or apple of choice.
  8. Prepare 4 tbsp of butter.

carmel apple chops instructions

  1. heat skillet over med.high. brush chops lightly with oil. cook on each side 6 minutes. or til desired taste. set aside keep warm..
  2. in dame empty pan. melt butter. mix in cinnamon brown sugar and nutmeg. mix well cut applesinto wedges and add to pan. let simmer til apples are tender..
  3. arrange apple mix ovrr chops. enjoy.

To get ingredients for making carmel apple chops recipes is also not tough. You can easily get the main ingredients at the proximate supermarket and in fact on the market. There are many types of carmel apple chops that are simple and quick to process into delicious dish. You can constantly practice this carmel apple chops recipe at home, and can provide it to your children and extended family. If you wish to cook another foods on our website, we supply various types of food recipes which are of course very delicious and enjoyable to enjoy, please try them.

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